The Ravonettes

Monday, April 20, 2009

Sexy L.A. And New Music Monday...

I am actually going to post this on a Monday. Hooray! Sorry to Sarah for not getting a whole week on the top! I’m sure she is not heart broken.
Going to make this a post as well as a New Music Monday post.

I had an awesome Weekend. Hub’s family was there all last week and went home on Saturday morning, and while I love the in laws…it was quiiiiteee a crowded house. Not to mention my niece thinking that I had forgotten my name or something and even though I was giving her my undivided attention, had to say my name at the beginning of each sentence her little mouth formed. Uh…yea. Duct tape crossed my mind several hundred times…a minute.

After they went home I headed up to Hollyweird to see Mama Mia at the Pantages with my Aunt. We stop by this bar next door before we go in to see the play. It has become a ritual of sorts. It is called The Frolic Room. Been there a dozen times yet never knew the name. It gave me a chuckle because normally the people in this bar you definitely do NOT want to frolic with. There is this woman bar tender, who has had to have been there since this place opened and MAN would I love to go there and park my hiney down and listen to the stories that woman would tell me. By the look of her they would definitely be good ones.

Mama Mia was awesome. The movie does not do it justice, and it opened my eyes to ABBA in a completely different light; an enjoyable one. After the play we met my friend D who was down visiting from Oregon. She met a boy and it was adorable to watch them eat one another’s faces. A couple of my co-workers were there as well and a friend I used to work with. Made for a really kick ass night.

L.A. is a mind in its own. People lined up outside bars and clubs at 11:30 at night. Music pumping thru the air making the area around you totally alive, to the point where you can feel the sexiness…and that is just what L.A. is, sexy. Vegas may be the city that never sleeps, but L.A. is sexiness to the max. Not that I what so EVER wanted to go into those clubs. I’m passed my meat market days, and even when I was in them, dive bars were my specialty. Sigh…the comfort of a good dive bar.

Anyways! Onto the music…it’s a thought provoking week for me. I am on the cusp of a lot of change, I can feel it and ‘One Less Reason’ can always get me where I need to go in my head. Songs , “Pieces of You” , “You’re Beautiful Ending” and, “Sadly Smiling Through” are my favorite. The lyrics bring me back to a time when change was everything and I fought for it with brutality. Brings out the fighter in me! Hubs will find out if he landed his job interview this past Friday today or tomorrow. Keep your fingers crossed! The change can’t come unless he is employed. AND BOY DO I NEED THAT! haha


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